Thanksgiving Day 2021 – The Affair Of The Dancing Lamas, a Cruel Earth original soundtrack

Take a break from the (periodic table of) elements and bundle up for a trippy to majestic Mount Everest!

Coming Nov 1, 2021 – Chillin’ With The Chalcogens

New Cruel Earth album, Chillin’ With The Chalcogens, coming November 1, 2021:

Coming October 1, 2021: Digging The Alkaline Earth Metals

New album from The Cruel Earth coming 10/01/21. Digging The Alkaline Earth Metals

Coming Sept 1, 2021: The Triumphant Chariot Of Antimony and the Pnictogens

New album from The Cruel Earth. The Triumphant Chariot Of Antimony and the Pnictogens coming Sept 1, 2021.

Sneak Peek At Group 16: Polonium music video!

Light me up! Here’s a coming attract of Group 16 – The Oxygen Group. This is the music video for The Cruel Earth’s Polonium. Enjoy!

Coming August 1, 2021 – Carbon The Liar

For eons, earth-based life has bought into the insidious lies of carbon. Now, the truth is finally told in Carbon The Liar, the latest album from The Cruel Earth’s Elements collection.

Coming July 1, 2021 – The Cruel Tutelage of Vanadium !UPDATE!

Releasing midnight, July 1, 2021. The Cruel Tutelage of Vanadium!